About The Metron Manager Project


Jonathan Nowlen is a redemptive Business Consultant who is passionate about recovering the dignity and mission of vocation.

He is a career missions leader who has worked in 60 countries over the last few decades.

He is the author of Managing Your Metron: A practical Theology of Work, Mission and Meaning.

Jonathan is a an experienced strategist, leader and creator of The Ways of Work program.

He is a public speaker, podcaster, coach, equipper and consultant.

His focus is on missionized theology of work and equipping believers to advance the Kingdom through their vocation. 

After 11 years as executive director of an international, educational non-profit, Jonathan founded the Metron Manager Project.

About The Metron Manager Project


Recovering the Dignity and Mission of Vocation.


The Metron Manager Project is a distinct exploration of Redemptive Theology of Work that focuses on the Missio Dei (Mission of God) and equipping Christians to advance the Kingdom of God through their vocations.

What is a Metron?

“We, however, will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere (METRON) which God appointed us…” 2 Corinthians 10:13

“A measure of responsibility delegated by God, to you, in the midst of creation, culture and spiritual history.” - Jonathan Nowlen, Managing Your Metron

What is a Metron Manager?

An effective Metron Manager is someone who has become a devoted follower of God and as such have developed a high level of SQ (spiritual quotient). They align themselves with the purposes and intentions of God for His creation by taking responsibility for and participating in its cultivation and stewardship. They embrace their role as a co-creator and co-laborer with God and holistically integrate redemptive principles and practices into every aspect of their life. The Metron Manager walks in spiritual and moral authority as a representative of the Kingdom. They fully embrace their original design as a mobile temple of the Holy Spirit, conveying the Kingdom of God holistically to the people, places and spaces they are assigned.

I believe that one of the next great moves of God is going to be through the believers in the workplace.
— Billy Graham (late 2000)

Welcome to the Metron Manager Project!

This project is all about equipping you to become who you were originally designed to be and find your place in the Kingdom of God.

God has given me a vision to be part of what many believe is the next great move of God by launching the Metron Manager Project. I have been fully engaged in the cause of Christ and His Kingdom enterprise for over 25 years. As such I have gained wide experience and perspective on the trajectory of the modern mission effort. As a missionary kid I grew up primarily outside the USA in remote and developing countries. After embracing my own call to serve in missions I began working in the socially and economically devastated regions of the former Soviet Union in the early to mid 1990’s. From there I participated in or led missional efforts from Southeast Asia to South America and from Europe to Africa covering 60 countries.

I’ve seen the edges of heaven and walked in the streets of hell. I’ve seen the power of God transform lives and nations through average believers like myself who have chosen to hear and obey. I believe that we are entering a new era of mission in spiritual history. This era is marked by the missionizing of believers in the marketplace. ‘On Mission’ is the new mode of every believer in every sphere of society. My book, Managing Your Metron, launched this Metron Manager Project with the aim of providing a reformational understanding of Work, Mission and Meaning.

The vision of the Metron Manager Project is to provide training, resources and theology that will recover the dignity and mission of vocation. Billy Graham’s prescient statement about the next move of God coming through believers in the workplace is a vision of the future that I and many others believe has now arrived. It is time to rethink vocation, mission and the Kingdom of God as a new era is upon us. Spiritual history is demanding a broadening of our understanding of what it means to respond to the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20) I invite you to join in this journey to become a Metron Manager and recover the dignity and mission of your vocation.

– Jonathan Nowlen
Founder: The Metron Manager Project


The Body of Christ is in the midst of a massive reformation in which the barrier between the secular and the sacred is being replaced with a bridge of equipping and empowerment to bring the blessings of God's kingdom into the marketplace. One of the leaders in this effort is Jonathan Nowlen and the Metron Management Project. Jonathan combines personal passion, theological depth and practical strategies to bring about the answer to the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." I wholeheartedly recommend Jonathan Nowlen as a true catalyst for marketplace transformation.

Michael Brodeur : Director - Leaders Alliance & Pastors Coach


"The Metron Manager Project has been an answer to prayer and is probably the reason I'm still in a leadership position today. When I showed up to the first Metron Manager Project community consultation it met me right where I was at as an Executive Director of a God-centered, fast growing, non-profit organization that uses a retail model to generate funds. At the group consultation I got to sit in a room and hear from leaders who were struggling with very similar struggles that I was experiencing on a daily basis, struggles that I thought I was facing alone without anyone who truly understood the complexity of work and how it intercepts in reality with the Kingdom. After regularly plugging into The Metron Manager Project monthly community consultations, getting the Managing Your Metron book, listening to the podcasts, my way of thinking began to change. I began incorporating language that was intentional such as casting vision around a manager's area of influence and recognizing that God had entrusted me with stewarding an organization.  This is just the beginning, our organization is now at a place where we can invest in learning how to understand and apply the theology of work through private consulting and training conducted by Jonathan. In this next step we will establish our core values and more key fundamentals that will advance the Kingdom through our vocation resulting in lives changed and generations impacted for eternity. 

I haven't found another leader, teacher, influencer who God has given the vision of discovering the original design of vocation quite like what God has revealed to Jonathan.  I cannot recommend Jonathan and The Metron Manager Project enough to individuals, leaders, businesses, and organizations so that what feels ordinary today can become extraordinary with eternal impact.”

Jessica Uranga, CEO of Beautiful Lives Boutique


This book is so liberating and so empowering. My view towards work is completely changed after reading it. I haven't heard anyone talk about the value of work like Jonathan does in this book. Work is God's design, there is great value in work. When we know God's design for work, everything we do has a meaning. There is no such thing that's called a sacred or a secular job. God is indeed erasing the line between sacred and secular. I am free to do any job other than ministry, and know that God is pleased with me the same as I do ministry related jobs. - Jenny Xu


读完此书,我发现我对工作的看法改变了。以前一提起工作,就会想到是劳苦愁烦,汗流浃背,老板的压榨,同事的挤兑,为了生活不得不工作,不得不为五斗米折腰 等等。但是当我了解工作的价值,和神对工作的看重,我觉得枯燥的工作也有了意义,哪怕是吃饭、睡觉、上厕所都有意义。- 强烈推荐此书。


I’ve known Jonathan, and have followed his spiritual/professional career since his college days. He is authentic, visionary, and spiritually grounded in the foundational principles that affect people’s lives. Throughout his life he has brought laser focus solutions to timely spiritual needs, of which Metron Manager is his latest. ”

Craig Holt : Business Consultant


What Jonathan is doing in connecting marketplace, mission-place and meaning is critical in order to fully activate the FULL community of believers. Not only does he have a track record of taking personal risk and building entrepreneurial endeavors, but also investing the effort into unpacking the theology of vocation, putting this in practical language that all of us can grasp. He does all of this while building family and community, modeling how we can do the same. Thank you Jonathan for building this initiative.

Andy Mason : Director - Heaven In Business


Jonathan is a thought leader when it comes to gaining a biblical view of work and vocation. His message is highly relevant in a culture that struggles to understand the dignity of work as it relates to God's commission to bring the Kingdom into every sphere of society.

Kevin Russack : New Heights Church - Equip Pastor


Jonathan is a thought leader and pioneer. He is helping many discover new ways of bringing Heaven to earth through embracing their high calling in the workplace. So simple, so Biblical, but so often horribly under-appreciated. As an entrepreneur and developer of leaders myself, I know firsthand that Jonathan always brings powerful inspiration and great wisdom to everything he touches. You can trust him.

Randy Welsch : Jibu Co-Founder & Leadership Consultant


I have had the privilege of working with and learning from Jonathan Nowlen for nearly twenty years. I can personally speak to both my growth as a leader, and as the Executive Director of a leadership development ministry. In all of those years I would be hard pressed to find a more significant ideological shift in mission and business thinking than what has been presented in the Managing Your Metron. For years, in the Church, we have neglected and overlooked the majority of those that compose it, as a sort of “second class” or “line B” constituents of Heaven. Managing Your Metron lays out a compelling and insightful pathway back to the Biblical narrative of honoring the calling and design of God for each person’s life – from the mission field, to the marketplace, and to the ends of the earth. Furthermore, it restores the dignity of work as we see it in Scripture.

Having personally spent around 15 years in the collegiate leadership development space, I have seen first-hand how introducing Jonathan’s Managing Your Metron has not only opened up a whole new way of interpreting “calling” for young leaders, it has also unleashed many who have felt marginalized by traditional missions thinking. It has shown them that they too have a key role to play in advancing the Kingdom of Jesus in our generation.

I cannot recommend Jonathan and Managing Your Metron any stronger. He is a timely voice calling the Church back to a true Biblical expression of Kingdom advancement in our day.     

Joseph Couch
Executive Director; Revolution Five Leadership


As an everyday banker and follower of Jesus, I’m super thankful for the relationship with Jonathan and his ministry “The Metron Manager Project”.  I have found his work and resources to be practical and Kingdom imparting when I am thinking strategically on how to manage my personal Metron. Jonathan’s podcast, books and monthly consultations have helped build a community of like-minded individuals. One of the greatest strengths I have seen Jonathan bring to Northwest, Arkansas is the ability to work and play well with others. He truly cares about Jesus and how to help expand the Kingdom of God.

Mark Carter : First Security Bank


I am learning so much from the book Managing your Metron ... not only that God is interested in our vocations, but that he also wants us to connect our spheres of influence at work to his kingdom for his glory and for transforming our lives and the lives of those around us. I have been meeting with Jonathan for one-on-one coaching which has been pivotal for me during a difficult season of career transition.

Larry Mahoney : Cloud Security Expert